Then press ENTER . enter the desired screen number. at a specified location, To re-enter a Project ADVANCED RE-ENTRY MENUREV.EXE OPINIONAUTHOR'S 20:7 20:3 20:2 20:5 20:6 20:4 WINDOWS 19:15 19:11 WINDOWANSWER R-ENTRR-SCRNMENUEXITAWINDO Press F1 , then ENTER , for Answer Window Press ENTER to continue. Press ENTER to return to DOS. MENUREV A> by typing MENUREV at the prompt, thus: (including the music) you may bypass the initialization ceremonies NOTE: When re-entering REVELATION TUTORIAL END OF SESSION but upon spiritual power. a kingdom dependent not upon political or military power His return is to establish the rule of God on earth -- to do earlier. This is not the purpose of Jesus' return. of Jesus, and imagine him coming back to do what he refused We make a serious mistake if we ignore this clear decision King of kings and Emperor of emperors. Yet, by his resurrection from the dead he became Jesus clearly had no intention to become a king or emperor. When he resolutely resisted this pressure, they executed him. to set up an earthly kingdom to challenge the power of Rome. The people of Jesus' day were constantly expecting Jesus H O M I L Y Screen # 17/17 c. He will come back physically, but the time is indefinite. in the church and the gospel. b. He will come spiritually with religious power exercised political kingdom on earth. a. He will return physically from heaven to set up a 3. What does Jesus mean by the words, `I am coming soon'? in this section (22:7-21)? 2. How often does the expression, `I am coming soon,' appear c. The New Testament b. The book of Revelation a. The Bible as a whole. 1. To which book does John refer in 22:9, 10, 18, 19? Revelation 22:7-21 AMEN. COME. Screen # 16/17 Enter t or f . l. originates from deep in the abyss. k. originates from throne of ruler. j. flows down middle of Main Street. i. flows around the city's walls. h. is named Life. g. is named the New Jordan. TRUE/FALSE 8. The city's river ... f. About 12 miles in circumference. e. About 200 feet squared d. About 1400 miles cubed 7. What are the dimensions and shape of this symbolic city? c. Babylon the great b. The new Jerusalem a. The Christian church 6. What does the angel describe as `the bride, the wife of the Lamb'? Some samplings of John's guided tour of the holy city (21:9 - 22:5).Screen # 15/17 j. People will no longer mourn when their loved ones die. forever eliminated from human existence. i. All the results of evil, including death, are for the old order of things has passed away.' 5. `There will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain, perhaps in a city like Jerusalem. h. Jesus will set up headquarters somewhere on earth, dominant within human society. g. God, being spirit, will be everywhere present and 4. `Now the dwelling of God is with men, and he will live with them.' like a space vehicle, upon planet Earth. f. This prebuilt city will descend from the sky, according to the power and wisdom of God. e. The new purified civilization will be constructed heaven from God.' 3. `I saw the Holy City, the new Jerusalem, coming down out of d. The turbulence of international conflict is ended. more room for people to live. c. Oceans (like the Pacific) become dry land, giving 2. `... and there was no longer any sea.'Screen # 14/17 b. What is new is that evil and sin are gone. a. Planet Earth will be annihilated, then rebuilt. first heaven and the first earth had passed away.' 1. `Then I saw a new heaven and a new earth, for the For each quotation, select the better of the suggested meanings. this new purified form of human existence. The final two chapters of Revelation describe proceed without the obstacles of sin and evil. purged by the final judgment, human life can now All foreign elements within humanity having been Revelation 21:1 - 22:5 THE HOLY CITY Screen # 13/17 g. the resurrection of the dead. The second death f. persons obedient to God. The lake of fire e. the life-record of every person. The judgment of each person's life. Giving up the dead. d. God's declaration of the value The book of Life c. God. The books b. final destruction. The Throne a. eternal death. MATCH 1. Consider the symbolism of this part of John's vision. Revelation 20:11-15 THE FINAL JUDGMENT Screen # 12/17 puts a final end to evil. until some miraculous intervention of God from heaven Things will be going very badly for the Christian faith, politics against politics, but the world versus Christianity. major confrontation will not be nation against nation, The picture is of a coming climax of history in which the fire to join his previously defeated henchmen. from heaven. Satan is then thrown into the lake of defeat for Christianity, only to be destroyed by fire surrounds the camp of the saints, threatens imminent This time he gathers all his anti-Christian forces, primary task: deceiving nations. from his temporary prison. He will again engage in his At the end of the `thousand years' Satan will be released H O M I L Y Screen # 11/17 d. End result of battle of Armageddon. c. Final conquest of the devil by Christ. b. Final cessation of sin. a. Final elimination of evil from human affairs. the lake of burning sulfur? 2. What is symbolized by the vision of Satan being thrown into c. The church gradually drives back the forces of unbelief. b. Evil appears to be triumphant over human civilization. a. Christianity appears to be on the verge of annihilation. YES/NO the camp of God's people? 1. What is symbolized by the vision of Satan's armies surrounding Revelation 20:7-10 THE DRAGON'S FATE Screen # 10/17 This is the period of time in which we live still today. exercise undisputed domination over human civilization. Also during this period, Satan is bound, unable to and with him all those who are disciplined by him. During this period Christ reigns, Christ was on earth as a thousand years. John describes this period of time since has been the progressive amelioration of human society. One of the effects of this gospel over the centuries they have not received the mark of the beast. and become liberated from the satanic yoke -- Wherever it has gone, people have believed the gospel has spread throughout the world. Since the time Christ was on earth, H O M I L Y Screen # 9/17 Enter a or d . Satan's power. f. Yes; Jesus has overcome by completely escaping civilization as there was before Christ. e. No; there is just as much sin and evil in today's much evidence of it in human society. d. Yes and no; Christ rules in heaven, but there isn't it has taken hold. c. Yes; the gospel has improved human society wherever hand of the Father in heaven. b. Yes; ascension means that Christ reigns at the right civilization is Christian. a. No way; no one can honestly affirm that human AGREE/DISAGREE his ascension into heaven? 7. Is it true that Christ has ruled human civilization ever sinceScreen # 8/17 e. Just time in general. d. A period still future to us. c. The time between Christ's first and second comings. b. The first century A.D. a. The Old Testament period. of time does this duration represent? 6. Granted that the thousand years is a symbolic term, what period not received his mark on their forehead or hands. b. All persons who have not worshiped the beast and have prior to Christ's return; e.g., Lazarus. a. Persons who are physically resurrected from the dead 5. What does John mean by `the first resurrection' (20:5-6)? b. No, all nations are deceived until the end of the world. a. Yes, in proportion to the gospel being believed. the nations are NOT being deceived? 4. Does the binding of Satan imply that during the thousand yearsScreen # 7/17 c. To deceive the nations. b. To rule Babylon. a. To fight against God. function before and after the thousand year period? 3. In this passage, (20:1-10) what is Satan's (the dragon's) Enter d or a ; also enter the verse number. 20: Satan (dragon) is released from his prison. 20: The dragon is locked up in the abyss. 20: The dragon is bound. 20: The rest of the dead come to life. 20: All those resurrected reign with Christ. 20: Martyrs come to life and reign with Christ. DURING/AFTER 2. Do the following take place DURING or AFTER the 1000 years?Screen # 6/17 Enter a number. Note: `millenium' is Latin for 1000 years. 1. How many times is the term `thousand years' used in 20:2-7? specifically, what happens to the great dragon (cf. 12:3). battle between the rider on the white horse and his enemies; Revelation 20 continues to describe the results of the great Revelation 20 A THOUSAND YEARS c. That God enjoys sending his enemies to hell. b. That they are being tortured forever in hell. a. That their activities are forever annihilated. into the fiery lake of burning sulfur (19:20)? 8. What does it mean that the beast and false prophet were cast Screen # 5/17 e. the rest of them d. the dragon and the great prostitute c. the birds b. the beast and the false prophet a. the angels of the bowls These gorged themselves on carrion. These were killed with the sword. These were thrown into lake of burning sulfur. These were captured. 7. THE RESULT OF THE BATTLE (19:19-21). c. The continuing struggle of the gospel against evil. b. A political/economic/military battle on earth. a. An unseen battle in heaven between good and bad angels. 6. What kind of battle is this battle of Armageddon? (19:19)Screen # 4/17 Enter a letter. says; hence, Jesus conquers by means of the gospel. b. Sword in mouth means what comes out of his mouth, what he easily; similar to saying with his hands tied behind his back. a. No great significance; Jesus is able to conquer his foes What is the significance of this anomaly? being in Jesus' mouth (19:15, 21; cf. Rev. 1:16). 5. THE RIDER'S WEAPON. Twice in this passage the sword is described as Enter letters. f. Jesus is kind and gentle. e. Jesus told persons like Hitler and Stalin what to do. d. The same word by which God created the world is in Jesus. c. From heaven Jesus controls the affairs of earth. b. The Bible a. Jesus' way of doing things is completely fair and just. King of kings and Lord of lords. The Word of God Faithful and True MATCH. 4. SIGNIFICANCE OF THE NAMES GIVEN TO THE RIDER. (19:11-16)Screen # 3/17 b. The church on earth (church meaning all Christians) a. Angels in heaven of human destiny), identify the armies which follow the Rider. In light of the context (Jesus is opening the seals of the book 3. THE ARMY FOLLOWING THE RIDER (19:14). Enter verse numbers. of the wrath of God Almighty. 19: He treads the winepress of the fury 19: Strike down the nations. 19: With justice he judges and makes war. 2. THE MISSION OF THE RIDER (19:11-16).Screen # 2/17 Enter y or n . e. Sharp sword in his mouth. d. Dressed in a robe dipped in blood. c. An unknown name written on him. b. Many crowns on his head. a. Eyes are like blazing fire. of chapter 1? YES/NO Which of the following items are identical with items in the vision 1. A RIDER ON A WHITE HORSE (19:11-16) the emptying of the seventh bowl of God's wrath. This Chapter continues to examine the results of Revelation 19:11-21 THE FINAL BATTLE Screen # 1/17 Press F5 then ENTER for advanced ReENTRy. Press F4 then ENTER to Restart SCReeN. Press F3 then ENTER for Project MENU. Press F2 then ENTER to return to DOS. Press F1 then ENTER for Answer WINDOw. FUNCTION KEYS Further instructions will then appear on line 23. questions. After each answer please press the ENTER key. Clear and concise instructions are provided on-screen for all INSTRUCTIONS Press ENTER to continue REVELATION TUTORIAL F I N A L D E S T I N Y Session 7